
Let us Make God in our Image, in our Likeness

8/31/2021   by Matt Lewellyn

"Make God in our image?" you say, incredulous to even consider it. I mean, seriously, our conception of God has no bearing whatsoever on the reality of who he is. But to think about God, we need to have a mental representation of him. And to relate with God, we need much more than that.

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Who’s With Me?

8/26/2021   by Matt Lewellyn

The fog is not exclusive to Christianity, nor is it limited to the functional hurting. Almost everyone experiences the fog to some extent, at some point in life. Those who visit it with awareness can develop empathy for those who dwell there consistently.

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Sickness and Syndrome of the Soul

8/15/2021   by Matt Lewellyn

Christ dwelt among us not to be served as a king, but to serve others in sacrifice. He gave of his time, money, energy, wisdom, and influence to bring healing both physically and spiritually. In our own lives, we now exhort each other to serve and not be served, but in doing so, we miss a nuance that carries great consequence for the wounded souls in our midst.

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Can the Church Talk About Mental Health?

8/8/2021   by Matt Lewellyn

Let's get started with two questions. First: How is your mental health? Especially in recent times, we all have had extra stress on our plates - let's take stock of where we are and how we're adapting. Second: How well is the church approaching our state of mental health and integrating us into community?

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Spectrum of the Fog

7/31/2021   by Matt Lewellyn

I came across an article in InsideHook recently, discussing the spectrum of addiction. "Hardcore" addicts hit rock bottom, and then they will shame and belittle those who realize they have a problem but have not reached that extreme. In their world, a problem is not really a problem until it crosses the Rubicon to become very public.

This is the essence of the Functional Hurting.

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