In the Beginning...

8/15/2022   by Matt Lewellyn

You wake up in the morning. It's a new day - fresh possibilities, with an outlook refreshed by rest and sleep. Today is the day, you think. Today, you think, you'll be at peace with life and relationships.

Time for Bible reading. Best way to start the day. Need to get in sync with the Spirit. So you read, and then you read some more. That inkling creeps in that you've felt before, that you're not in tune with the text - the things that should be inspiring awe, aren't. The words that should stoke the fires of gratitude, don't. The words are just on the page.

How to fix it? Well, prayer is next, isn't it? You spend some time there, focusing as best as you can. Concentration can be difficult when speaking to an unseen person - all while wondering why the Bible reading wasn't working again today.

No matter, time to get to work. You briefly consider whether getting up ten minutes earlier would have resolved something there. More time in Bible and prayer can't be a bad thing, right? Although, will ten minutes a day be all it takes to get through this? Seems implausible.

Anyway. You clock in, start to get into the tasks for the day, and note the experience of those same feelings of impostor syndrome. That's a daily thing that just goes on in the background. No time to try to resolve it today, though - too much to get done. You just notice it and try to not let it affect your performance at work.

Later in the day, your brain feels tired from doing work-y things all day long. You did your best to ignore the subliminal voices of impostorship and managed to perform very well. Not that high performance or competence ever seem to silence those damnable voices. But you can now count your work for the day as done, so you have that going for you.

And then interact with friends, right? Time to refresh through community. But a different (yet related) set of voices are at play now. The ones that say, if they just knew you better, they wouldn't pay any attention to you. That there is no reason at all anyone should listen.

Okay. But at the end of the day, you can sleep. Well, not without some thoughts keeping you awake as you try to run circles around all that happened during the day. How to reset some of these patterns? Can some of them be fixed if any of them remain?

And finally the brain settles for a beat from exhaustion. In what seems a split second, you wake up in the morning. It's a new day. Fresh possibilities...


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